Wake AHEC Upcoming Continuing Education / Continuing Professional Development / Medical Education Program and Course Listing
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03/15/2025 Saturday
8:00 AM

UNC REX NC Surgery - Women’s Health: Surgical Considerations

Live in-person and Online event. Women may face a variety of gender-specific surgical problems. This program is a wide-ranging look at updates in common women’s health problems from a surgical perspective. Topics include: Disparities in breast cancer, lactational abscesses, cancer treatment in pregnancy, postmenopausal bleeding, incontinence and prolapse, infertility and obesity, breast implant considerations, hormone use in breast cancer patients, breast papillomas and radial scars, updates in pancreatic cancer screening, and more.
Audience - Internal Medicine, Gynecology, and Family Practice Primary Care Physicians; Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners
03/28/2025 Friday
9:00 AM

Introduction to Somatic Psychotherapy

For far too long, prioritizing cognition has been an implicit bias in our world and in psychotherapy. The risk of further disembodiment increases when we rely on maladaptive attempts to manage the overwhelming social and environmental stressors of today’s world. To take a more holistic approach with our clients, one that welcomes curiosity about the inherent wisdom of the body, this workshop will explore how incorporating aspects of polyvagal theory, along with somatic awareness and resourcing can guide our clients towards greater embodiment and experiences of safety and choice.
Audience - Licensed clinical mental health counselors, psychologists, marriage and family therapists, psychiatric nurses, psychotherapists, mental health practitioners, counselors, social workers, and all interested mental health professionals.
03/29/2025 Saturday
8:00 AM

Tar Heel Boot Camp

The Tar Heel Boot Camp is an intense two-day education event that is targeted to providers in adult critical care settings. It incorporates a multidisciplinary approach to didactic and experiential learning and will offer over ten critical care topics and several intensives to include introduction to point of care ultrasound.
Audience - Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Physicians
04/03/2025 Thursday
11:00 AM

Improving Social Communication Skills in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Professionals are often challenged by how to engage a child with limited social communication skills. This program will review typical social communication development versus that of a child with an autism spectrum disorder. Goal development and treatment strategies will be discussed. Videos and case studies will be used throughout the workshop.
Audience - This event has been planned for providers who work with children Birth – 5 who have a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder including psychologists, therapists, social workers, and professionals who are involved with treatment or case management for individuals with autism spectrum disorder and/or Intellectual Developmental Disabilities. Speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, and all interested others are encouraged to register.
04/07/2025 Monday
5:30 PM

New for 2025: Evidence-Based Treatment and Prevention for Tobacco and E-Cigarette Use

The live webinar equips medical providers, oral health providers, behavioral health professionals, nurses, nurse practitioners, respiratory therapists and other health care team members with current data and strategies to effectively counsel, refer, and treat patients using evidence-based programs and treatment regimens specific to nicotine addiction. Agenda: 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm Evidence-Based Interventions for Tobacco Cessation - James Davis, MD 7-7:05pm Short Break 7:05 pm - 8:35 pm E-Cigarette Use: Evidence-Based Interventions and Recommendations to Prevent and Decrease Use - Jim Martin, MS
Audience - physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, psychologists, registered and licensed practical nurses, dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, respiratory therapists, substance abuse counselors, licensed clinical addiction specialists, licensed clinical mental health counselors, case managers and professional social workers
04/10/2025 Thursday
1:00 PM

Person Centered Thinking and Planning Review in TCM

This course will provide reviews of the TLCPCP Person Centered Thinking and the LifeCourse Nexus models of Person-Centered Thinking.
Audience - AMH+ Primary Care Practices, Care Management Agencies (CMA), Addiction Professionals, Physicians, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors, Public Health Professionals, Psychologists, Marriage and Family Therapists, Care Coordinators, Nurses, I/DD Providers, Social Workers, Case Managers and All interested behavioral health and healthcare professionals
04/11/2025 Friday
8:25 AM

Supporting Communication and Social Engagement in Children and Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum

Individuals on the autism spectrum have unique challenges related to communication and social engagement. These challenges often impact their ability to participate in school and community environments. There are many evidence-based practices (EBPs) that have been successfully implemented in school and community settings and support growth in communication and social engagement. This presentation will provide an overview of key EBPs, video examples of EBP implementation, and tried and true tips for using and supporting others in using these EBPs in real-world settings.
Audience - Speech Language Pathologists, Speech Language Pathology Assistants, Occupational Therapists, Occupational Therapy Assistants, Physical Therapists, Physical Therapy Assistants, Psychologists, Counselors, Special Educators, and other interested healthcare professionals who work with this school-based population
8:40 AM

Webinar (Live): SPICE North Carolina Infection Control Course: Outpatient Healthcare Setting

In North Carolina, every healthcare organization that performs invasive procedures, including injections, is required to designate an on-site staff person to receive infection control training and implement an infection control program. The approved infection control curriculum developed by SPICE prepares designated healthcare providers to implement the North Carolina rule, 10A NCAC 41A .0206 Infection Prevention – Healthcare Settings. Learners who complete this activity will be able to ensure and systematically assess that their facility has the appropriate infection prevention policies and procedures in place to allow healthcare personnel to provide safe patient care consistent with the NC communicable disease rule .0206. Disclosure Statement: None of the speakers or planners have any relevant relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.
Audience - Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses Office Managers and other healthcare professionals working in outpatient, nursing homes and public health departments
9:00 AM

Social Media in the Healthcare Provider Office: Is It Time to Develop a Social Media Policy Program?

This live webinar will discuss social media's impact on dentistry including the positive and negative effects of social media. The webinar will include ways to develop and incorporate a social media policy for the practice. **In order to be actively engaged with the speaker, you are encouraged to keep your cameras on throughout the program.**
Audience - Dentists, Dental Hygienists, Dental Assistants, and other interested dental personnel.
04/17/2025 Thursday
6:00 PM

Cardiovascular Care Symposium 2025: Evolution and Advances

In today’s evolving world of cardiovascular care, many technological advancements and therapies exist to improve the cardiovascular patient’s quality of life. It is a formidable task staying on top of these advancements, along with knowing what resources exist and steps to take to direct your patient’s care. This Cardiovascular Care Symposium will include a review of the latest cardiovascular care guidelines and features experts in Advanced Heart Failure, Complex Arrhythmia and Structural Heart to cover the latest updates in therapies, procedures and resources available for optimal patient care.
Audience - Physicians in Internal Medicine, Family Practice, Cardiology, Gynecology and Advanced Practice Providers
04/25/2025 Friday
9:00 AM

Medical Emergencies: An Update for Allied Dental Team Members

This course is designed to review basic principles of reducing risk factors, identifying signs and symptoms and rendering fast, effective treatment for selected emergency situations. Case studies will be reviewed to help participants understand how to deal with patients who present with syncope, postural hypotension, cardiac events, diabetic reactions, allergic reactions and airway obstructions. This course has been approved by the NC State Board of Dental Examiners to meet the requirement (GS 90-233)for six hours of CE in medical emergencies.
Audience - Dentists, Dental Hygienists, Dental Assistants, Dental Office Staff, and other interested dental professionals.
04/29/2025 Tuesday
9:00 AM

Ethical Considerations of Grief for the Helping Professional

As helping professionals, we encounter grief in every aspect of work, even if we are not aware. Greif affects how our clients interact with their lives and world. In order to provide the best care possible, it is essential that those in helping professionals view each encounter through a grief-informed lens while also considering ethical implications of practice. This presentation will help participants understand grief through discussion of common misconceptions, identifying physical and emotional symptoms associated with grief, exploring positive and negative responses to grieving clients, understanding compassion fatigue and vicarious grief and ways to minimize its effects on the helping professional through self-care.
Audience - Clinicians, case managers, social workers, counselors, psychologists, educators, advocates, healthcare providers, human service practitioners, and others interested in the topic.
05/01/2025 Thursday
9:00 AM

The Active Practice of Clinical Supervision

Clinical Supervision has a unique role in the counseling field, and can have varying approaches influenced by location, job duties, discipline, client demographic, organizational structure, and workplace culture. It is the obligation of the associate level supervisee to obtain clinical supervision, typically without any real knowledge of what supervision actually entails. In this course, we explore several issues related to the practice of supervision, as well as best practices for specific scenarios and settings. This course provides an opportunity for advanced supervisors to practice concepts derived from both the Developmental Model and Psychodynamic Model of supervision. Other topics are relevant from my 20 years of field experience and from David Powell’s, Clinical Supervision in Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling (2004).
Audience - This course is designed for intermediate to advanced level clinical supervisors actively working with practitioners who hold licensure or associate licensure within their state’s substance abuse board and may possess dual licensure in mental health and substance abuse.
05/02/2025 Friday
9:00 AM

Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa: Patients in the Closets

Anorexia and bulimia nervosa are eating disorders that are seen primarily in young females of Western style developed countries. One-and-a-half to five percent of females between 11-25 years of age is affected. Experts believe that these figures are greatly underestimated. A distorted perception of themselves and an exaggerated concern with weight is a common factor in both disorders. The dental profession has a unique opportunity to make an early diagnosis of the disorders. Information for recognition, intervention, and management of the oral sequel will be presented. Participants will be encouraged to share their clinical experience with these disorders. **In order to be actively engaged with the speaker, you are encouraged to keep your cameras on throughout the program.**
Audience - Dentists, Dental Hygienists, Dental Assistants, and other interested dental personnel.
05/03/2025 Saturday
8:00 AM

CGEC Clinical Evaluation and Management of Visual & Perceptual Impairments Following Acquired Brain Injury: A Hands-On Approach

This course is designed for occupational and physical therapists who treat persons with acquired brain injuries and other neurological conditions that impact the visual system. In this two-day course, faculty will offer their knowledge of the visual system, assessment and treatment techniques regarding visual management and clinical manifestations of common visual impairments following an acquired brain injury. This is an intermediate level course. Participants will be able to apply immediately upon completion of the course, the assessment and treatment strategies learned throughout the two days.
Audience - Physical Therapists, Physical Therapy Assistants, Occupational Therapists, Occupational Therapy Assistants
05/05/2025 Monday
10:00 AM

Introduction to the Pathological Demand Avoidance Profile in Autism/ADHD

This training will provide behavioral health practitioners and clinicians with advanced level information about a lesser known but highly important autistic/ADHD or otherwise neurodivergent identity called PDA – known as Pathological Demand Avoidance in the United Kingdom but often referred to as Pervasive Drive for Autonomy by those in the neurodivergent community. Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) is a term used to describe a profile within the autism spectrum characterized by an extreme avoidance of everyday demands and requests. It's not officially recognized as a separate diagnosis in diagnostic manuals like the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) or the ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases), but it's often discussed within the context of autism spectrum disorder. It's important to note that PDA is a controversial concept and not universally accepted by all professionals in the field. Some argue that the behaviors associated with PDA can be explained by existing diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder, while others believe that PDA represents a distinct profile within the spectrum that requires different approaches to support and intervention. This profile is rarely if ever addressed in academic or clinical training programs or settings geared toward behavioral health practitioners. Thus, many practitioners are unaware that they are likely encountering clients struggling to live in the world with PDA, frequently. The presenter will provide a general overview of PDA as well as information about differential diagnoses. Identifying characteristics of PDA and selected neurodiversity- affirming interventions that may benefit those with a PDA profile who have low support needs will be reviewed.
Audience - This presentation is intended for behavioral health-oriented counselors, psychologists, psychotherapists, and clinical counselors who already understand autistic and neurodivergent identities within the framework of neurodiversity-affirming practice that is not based in ableism (may not be suited for an ABA or behavioristic-oriented practitioner).
05/06/2025 Tuesday
12:30 PM

Empowering Nurse Preceptorship: Fostering Communication, Clinical Reasoning, and Self-Care in Practice

From Novice to Expert: Excellence and Power in Nursing Practice author, legacy nurse educator and nurse theorist, Dr. Patricia Benner, will kick off the 2025 National Nurses Week with our fourth annual nurse preceptor live webinar hosted by the North Carolina Area Health Education Center (NC AHEC) network. This knowledge-based education activity will feature Benner's nursing theory, "Novice to Expert." This conceptual framework, which is foundational to modern nursing, influenced the nursing process of how nurses learn and apply clinical reasoning and judgement throughout their individual stages of practice development. To round out the conference, the speaker faculty will present strategies for applying this theory into everyday healthcare education practices, cultivating resilience in the clinical environment, and for providing conflict resolution and communication to better support preceptees and preceptor outcomes. Agenda 12:30 p.m. Login to Webinar 1:00 p.m. Novice to Expert and Clinical Reasoning Patricia Benner, RN, Ph.D., FAAN 2:30 p.m. Break 2:45 p.m. Mindful Matters: Cultivating Calm and Building Resilience Andrew L. Brewer, MS, NBCHWC, RYT200 3:30 p.m. Brief Break 3:35 p.m. Conflict Resolution and Communication Strategies Theresa Rafael-Grimm, Ph.D., PMHCNS-BC 4:20 p.m. Wrap up and Adjourn
Audience - Clinical nurse preceptors and educators interested in advancing their preceptor skills and role development.
05/23/2025 Friday
9:00 AM

Safety First: Trauma-Informed Care with People Experiencing Substance Use Disorders

Widely demonstrated in the literature on substance use disorders, trauma experienced by the person is a common and primary part of the sequelae leading to addiction. Traumatic life experiences can unfortunately also be a part of a person’s time as a substance user. This training will present a brief overview of what constitutes single incident or developmental traumas; what it means to be a trauma-informed practitioner; awareness of vicarious or secondary traumatization and related social worker self-care. Participants will learn how to consider trauma in their approach to working with clients and in their ability to thrive as a practitioner.
Audience - Social workers, mental health clinicians, substance use counselors, qualified professionals
05/27/2025 Tuesday
12:30 PM

Using CARS-2 as Part of a Diagnostic Assessment for Autism, Developmental Interviewing and Differential Diagnosis and Co-Morbidity

The workshop will use a case-oriented style, covering how to use the CARS-2 assessment instruments as part of a diagnostic assessment of autism. The first two sessions will include case studies where the participants will practice scoring using the CARS-2 High Functioning Version and then the CARS-2 Standard Version. The third session in the series will review the process of collecting a developmental history for the early symptoms of autism, and the factors that help with differential diagnoses. In addition to providing training on the CARS2-Standard version and the CARS2- High Functioning version, this workshop will also include a session on conducting a diagnostic interview with a caregiver and a session on differential diagnoses and co-morbidity in autistic individuals. This program will be on Tuesday 5/27/25, Wednesday 5/28/25, and Thursday 5/29/25. Each day will be from 12:30pm- 4:30pm.
Audience - This workshop is meant for professionals who are conducting in-depth diagnostic evaluations for autism spectrum disorders and are looking for another tool to add to their assessment battery. The CARS2 is an instrument that works well as a way to integrate diagnostic information. It is not meant for individuals who are doing screenings for autism or who work in primary care settings and are not doing in-depth evaluations.
06/05/2025 Thursday
6:00 PM

Webinar (Live) OSHA and North Carolina Infection Control Methods: Annual Update

This course will present North Carolina infection control methods and OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens regulations and infection control in dentistry. Details on operatory asepsis methods and materials will be highlighted. This course only meets OSHA’s requirement of annual BBP training. This program does NOT meet the Sterilization and Infection Control requirements to become a DA II.
Audience - Dentists, dental assistants, dental hygienists, dental laboratory technicians, DDS, DA, RDH
06/06/2025 Friday
9:00 AM

CGEC Rethinking Guardianship: Exploring Less Restrictive Alternatives

Older adults and people with disabilities may fall under full guardianship without consideration of their ability to make decisions with support. During this webinar, participants will be introduced to the concepts of choice and self-determination; the state’s adult guardianship system; the ongoing work of Rethinking Guardianship NC; and how decision-making rights can be retained or regained through supported decision-making strategies.
Audience - Health and human service professionals who work with older adults and adults with disabilities.
06/26/2025 Thursday
9:00 AM

HIPAA & NC Local Health Departments: 2025 Critical Updates

This one-day workshop will provide updates on HIPAA compliance issues for local health departments. The educational activity will include a detailed consideration of core topics including hybrid entity designations, breach response, business associate relationships, and sharing information with local departments of social services. The workshop will also include a session dedicated to hot topics and recent changes in the law. The day will conclude with a “HIPAA Jeopardy” refresher session that gives attendees an opportunity to review what they learned and ask questions.
Audience - This program is specifically tailored to North Carolina’s local health departments and intended for staff members who are directly involved with HIPAA-related responsibilities. Depending on space availability, other health care professionals interested in the topics may attend.
09/05/2025 Friday
9:00 AM

Technology-Based Clinical Supervision: Extending the Supervisory Reach

This workshop will familiarize clinical supervisors with technology-based clinical supervision (TBCS), introduce research demonstrating its utility, and provide opportunities to gain greater familiarity with practice delivery of clinical supervision services using different types of technology.
Audience - This workshop is for clinicians already familiar with foundational skills related to clinical supervision of social workers, counselors, therapists, addiction specialists, psychologists, and other health and human service practitioners.
09/12/2025 Friday
9:00 AM

Eat Intuitively, Live Freely Intuitive Eating Essentials for Disordered Eating

In this engaging workshop, we seek to better understand the world of intuitive eating. We will discover how intuitive eating principles can support therapeutic approaches when treating disordered eating. Through audio-visual presentation, reflection, and group processing we will review the following: Introduction to Intuitive Eating and Disordered Eating, Integrating Intuitive Eating into Therapy, Practical Application and Building Client Skills.
Audience - Social workers, psychologists, licensed professional counselors, educators, school personnel, mental health professionals, clinicians, health and human service practitioners, and other health care professionals.
09/13/2025 Saturday
7:50 AM

20th Annual Time is Brain: Advances in Stroke Care
* Coming Soon, Registration not open *

Please join us for an engaging and informative day with content focusing on the neurologic exam and anatomy; Cerebral Venous Thrombosis; neurointerventional case reviews; disease states with primary and secondary pharmacologic prevention; a stroke survivor story; subdural hemorrhage; Vagus Nerve Stimulation; and breakout sessions on physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS). We look forward to seeing you there!
Audience - Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Pharmacists, Registered Nurses, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists, Case Managers, Social Workers, and other healthcare professionals who care for stroke patients
09/16/2025 Tuesday
9:00 AM

When the Dam Breaks: Preventing and Planning for Mental Health Crises with People with IDD
* Coming Soon, Registration not open *

Crisis looks different for everyone. What may feel like a dam breaking to one person is a minor drip to another. Approximately 30-50% of people with IDD have a co-occurring mental health condition. People with IDD are more vulnerable to trauma than their typically developing peers. A person with IDD and a co-occurring mental health condition may need more personalized support at times to plan for and prevent personal crises. It is important to understand how to support a person in always feeling safe so as to assist them in times of crisis. This workshop explores what it means to have a crisis and how we can positively support individuals with IDD in our everyday interactions to help minimize the possibility of a crisis. We will focus on understanding the underlying circumstances that can lead to crisis and how utilizing trauma informed approaches in your everyday support of a person with IDD can help prevent a situation go from a water drip to a break in the dam.
Audience - Service providers, family members, caregivers, school personnel, self-advocates who identify with IDD
09/19/2025 Friday
9:00 AM

Cultivating the Supervisory Alliance: Strengths, Stressors, and Solutions

The quality and effectiveness of the supervision experience largely depends on the supervisory alliance. The working relationship between the supervisor and supervisee plays a critical role in the growth and development of the clinician receiving supervision. This workshop will explore various factors that enhance as well as impede the cultivation of a supervisory alliance that effectively promotes supervisee growth. Supervisory solutions for addressing counterproductive situations as well capitalizing on existing strengths will be explored, including the role of personal development in the context of supervision.
Audience - This workshop is for clinicians already familiar with foundational skills related to clinical supervision of counselors, therapists, social workers, addiction specialists, psychologists, and other health and human service practitioners.
10/15/2025 Wednesday
9:00 AM

Utilizing Integrative Hypnosis in Practice: A Guide to Treating Anxiety Disorder and Trauma

Hypnosis is a powerful clinical tool utilized across diverse settings to catalyze healing and facilitate transformative change via imagery, suggestion, and subconscious exploration. What sets hypnosis apart is its capacity to engage consciousness at profound levels, fostering profound shifts in awareness and behavior. Widely applied in mental health, hypnosis generates positive outcomes including but not limited to bolstering self-esteem and helping initiate adaptive behaviors, anxiety reduction, trauma symptom alleviation, improving sleep quality, and optimizing performance (American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, n.d.). One of its notable strengths lies in its efficacy in treating anxiety disorders and trauma when integrated with complementary modalities like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and mindfulness techniques. This integrative approach offers a compelling process of addressing discomfort and dysregulation and delving into entrenched thoughts, emotions, and past experiences. By tapping into the subconscious mind, the hypnotic process, combined with CBT and mindfulness fortifies positive beliefs, challenges unproductive patterns, and amplifies therapeutic objectives. Over the long term, this integrated hypnosis fosters resilience, nurtures healthier relationships, and fosters self-trust and trust in others (Daitch, 2007). This workshop aims to guide participants through the steps of the hypnotic process, encompassing crucial aspects such as ensuring safety when working with clients, conducting trance work and testing, and offering psychoeducation about the process and ethical practices. Additionally, it will explore a selection of cognitive and mindfulness techniques, as well as strategies for integrating these approaches to effectively support individuals dealing with anxiety and trauma symptoms. Ultimately, the workshop seeks to provide a comprehensive overview and equip attendees with practical tools for practice.
Audience - This program is intended for anyone interested in the use of clinical hypnosis. The target audience is social work professionals and students and other practicing mental health professionals.
10/22/2025 Wednesday
10:00 AM

The Ethics of Responding to Clients and Crime
* Coming Soon, Registration not open *

Social workers often encounter clients who are involved with the justice system, as crime victims, suspects, or offenders. These situations give rise to complex ethical dilemmas involving confidentiality, conflicts of interest, personal and public safety, and challenges in upholding the best interests of the client. The differences among the populations involved in the justice system and the wide variety of activities that may constitute "crime" further complicate the dilemmas. This workshop addresses the unique considerations when serving justice-involved clients and the ethical standards that apply to dilemmas occurring with these populations. We will use case vignettes to operationalize workshop concepts and will provide resources for continued learning.
Audience - Clinicians, case managers, social workers, counselors, psychiatrists, psychologists, educators, advocates, health and human service practitioners
10/27/2025 Monday
9:30 AM

Supporting Children’s Healing- Building Connections, Guiding Behaviors

The quality of parent-child attachments is central to children’s mental health. Parents are the medicine that can remediate children’s behavioral issues. attention difficulties, non-compliance, aggression, and trauma. Providers who work with young people without engaging their parents are missing an opportunity to augment children’s healing. Learn how to help parents use attention, communication, and structure to build stronger parent-child relationships and support children’s wellbeing.
Audience - Professionals who work in health, public health, parent education, mental health or substance abuse and work for children and their families.

EM Controlled Substance Prescribing Module 1: Prescribing Controlled Substances in North Carolina

** Webcast ** *This learning activity will fulfill one hour of the controlled substances CME requirement for the NCMB. The course is targeted to refine the basics of opioid prescribing. Participants will develop a working understanding of the NARxCHECK Score and Overdose Score and understand how these scores are to be used in patient encounters and clinical decision-making. The course provides insights on more effective use and understanding of the NCCSRS system also known as the PDMP Aware system, as a resource in guiding care for those prescribed opiates, sedatives and stimulant medications. The learner will be instructed in the distinction between a treatment agreement and a treatment contract, understanding the benefits and disadvantages of each. Naloxone education and prescribing is reinforced to support risk mitigation and improved practice. This webinar is specifically designed for North Carolina licensed physicians, physician assistants or nurse practitioners currently prescribing controlled substances. If you are licensed in a state other than North Carolina, please contact your Medical Board for assistance. None of the planners, speakers or joint provider have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

EM Controlled Substance Prescribing Module 2: Recognizing Signs of Substance Misuse

** Webcast ** *This learning activity will fulfill one hour of the controlled substances CME requirement for the NCMB. This course will equip the participant to identify signs of substance misuse in the context of patient encounters. Communication skills that facilitate non-stigmatizing discussions of substance misuse are shared to empower effective exploration of opioid use disorder, polysubstance use disorder, diversion, addiction. Surveys will be shared to facilitate gathering objective metrics of functional capacity. Course completion will equip attendees to expand their clinical skills and differential diagnoses in support of identification of substance use disorder and facilitating screening and referral. This webinar is specifically designed for North Carolina licensed physicians, physician assistants or nurse practitioners currently prescribing controlled substances. If you are licensed in a state other than North Carolina, please contact your Medical Board for assistance. None of the planners or speakers have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

EM Controlled Substance Prescribing Module 3: Best Practices in Chronic Pain Management and Safe Opioid Prescribing

** Webcast ** *This learning activity will fulfill one hour of the controlled substances CME requirement for the NCMB. This educational activity is designed to equip physician, physician assistants and nurse practitioners in the fundamentals of assessing patients with chronic pain to determine the role of opioid and non-opioid treatment strategies. Specific non-opioid alternatives will be reviewed and include a discussion of the mechanism of action to guide selection based on clinical considerations. Opioid initiation, selection, dosage, assessment for safety and efficacy are reviewed as well as approaches to weaning opioids when safety is a concern or are of limited benefit. Knowing when to refer is a component of good care and this will also be discussed. Integration of the biopsychosocial model in consideration of developing an approach to care is integrated into the module. This webinar is specifically designed for North Carolina licensed physicians, physician assistants or nurse practitioners currently prescribing controlled substances. If you are licensed in a state other than North Carolina, please contact your Medical Board for assistance. None of the planners or speakers have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

EM Intimate Partner Violence Foundations and Screening (Session 1)

**Webcast** Intimate partner violence (IPV) has only become more widely accepted as a healthcare issue within the last several years and is a prevalent health challenge. With limited time and resources, integrating IPV into primary care can be challenging for many healthcare providers. A crucial step in IPV management in outpatient care should increase knowledge and awareness and provide effective resources for addressing the health and safety impacts of IPV. Better identification, screening and management of IPV allows healthcare clinicians to provide optimal care and improve health outcomes for the survivor. Join us for three comprehensive webinars that will provide overall IPV education, screening tools, reporting requirements, resources and more. (Expiration date with potential for renewal: June 30, 2023.) None of the planners or speakers for this educational activity have relevant financial relationships to disclose with ineligible companies.

EM Intimate Partner Violence - Best Practices in Intimate Partner Response (Session 2)

**Webcast** Intimate partner violence (IPV) has only become more widely accepted as a healthcare issue within the last several years and is a prevalent health challenge. With limited time and resources, integrating IPV into primary care can be challenging for many healthcare providers. A crucial step in IPV management in outpatient care should increase knowledge and awareness and provide effective resources for addressing the health and safety impacts of IPV. Better identification, screening and management of IPV allows healthcare clinicians to provide optimal care and improve health outcomes for the survivor. Join us for three comprehensive webinars that will provide overall IPV education, screening tools, reporting requirements, resources and more. (Expiration date with potential for renewal: June 30, 2023.) None of the planners or speakers for this educational activity have relevant financial relationships to disclose with ineligible companies.

EM Intimate Partner Violence - Creating a Culture of Care for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence (Session 3)

**Webcast** Intimate partner violence (IPV) has only become more widely accepted as a healthcare issue within the last several years and is a prevalent health challenge. With limited time and resources, integrating IPV into primary care can be challenging for many healthcare providers. A crucial step in IPV management in outpatient care should increase knowledge and awareness and provide effective resources for addressing the health and safety impacts of IPV. Better identification, screening and management of IPV allows healthcare clinicians to provide optimal care and improve health outcomes for the survivor. Join us for three comprehensive webinars that will provide overall IPV education, screening tools, reporting requirements, resources and more. (Expiration date with potential for renewal: June 30, 2023.) None of the planners or speakers for this educational activity have relevant financial relationships to disclose with ineligible companies.

Self-Study: Psychosocial Interventions for Older Adults with Serious Mental Illness

** Self-Study ** The guide will provide an overview of current approaches and challenges to supporting older adults with severe mental illness in recovery. Current effectiveness of various evidence-based practices and a guide to implementing coordinated care will be reviewed. Providers will learn explore considerations and strategies when working with interdisciplinary teams that can best support older adults with serious mental illness.

Self-Study: Substance Abuse Treatment and Domestic Violence

** Self-Study ** The articles provided in this program will review types of domestic violence, signs and symptoms, screening and referrals and important considerations for treatment planning when domestic violence and substance use are involved. Crisis and safety planning best practices will also be explored.

Self-Study: Prevention and Treatment of HIV Among People Living with Substance Use and/or Mental Health Disorders

** Self-Study ** This guide goes through prevention strategies, updates on the latest research and statistics when it comes to HIV among people with substance use and mental health disorders, and go into evidence-based treatments for this population. Resources for evaluating the effectiveness of treatment will also be discussed.

Self-Study: Treating Concurrent Substance Use in Adults

** Self-Study ** This program will review the Evidence Based Resource Guide for Treating Concurrent Substance Use in Adults. This guide will look at the statistics and treads, potential outcomes and specific needs of individuals using more than one substance. Considerations and strategies for adding concurrent substance use (CDU) and concurrent substance use disorders (CSUD) will be explored.

DEA* Addiction In Primary Care - Approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credits (TM)

** Webcast ** *This session will fulfill one hour of the 8-hour DEA requirement. *This learning activity will fulfill one hour of the controlled substances CME requirement for the NCMB. This course will review the current state of substance use disorder in North Carolina, review the guidelines for screening for substance use disorder and discuss tools for screening and diagnosing opioid use disorder. Discussion on UNC’s clinic's journey to embed OUD treatment in primary care while highlighting QI principles as a tool to effect practice change. Finally, case discussions will be presented to teach the application of harm reduction in primary care opioid use disorder treatment along with providing practical resource tools to provide MOUD in primary care. This webinar is specifically designed for North Carolina licensed physicians, physician assistants or nurse practitioners currently prescribing controlled substances. If you are licensed in a state other than North Carolina, please contact your Medical Board for assistance. None of the planners, speakers or joint providers have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

DEA* Treating Chronic Pain and Addiction - Approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credits (TM)

** Webcast ** *This session will fulfill one hour of the 8-hour DEA requirement. *This learning activity will fulfill one hour of the controlled substances CME requirement for the NCMB. This lecture reviews the strategies available for treatment of patients with both chronic pain as well as opioid use disorder and explores best practices in non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic treatment, including the use of opioid analgesics. This webinar is specifically designed for North Carolina licensed physicians, physician assistants or nurse practitioners currently prescribing controlled substances. If you are licensed in a state other than North Carolina, please contact your Medical Board for assistance. None of the planners, speakers or joint providers have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

DEA* Responding to Pediatric Substance Use - Approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credits (TM)

** Webcast ** *This session will fulfill one hour of the 8-hour DEA requirement. *This learning activity will fulfill one hour of the controlled substances CME requirement for the NCMB. This session will review national and NC youth substance use trends, provide an overview of pediatric screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment algorithm with specific focus on approaches to brief interventions. This webinar is specifically designed for North Carolina licensed physicians, physician assistants or nurse practitioners currently prescribing controlled substances. If you are licensed in a state other than North Carolina, please contact your Medical Board for assistance. None of the planners, speakers or joint providers have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

DEA* The End of a Bygone Era: Removal of the X-wavier. Next Steps in Buprenorphine Prescribing - Approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credits (TM)

** Webcast ** *This session will fulfill one hour of the 8-hour DEA requirement. *This learning activity will fulfill one hour of the controlled substances CME requirement for the NCMB. This presentation will discuss the opioid epidemic and it’s impact in North Carolina, plus focus on how the changes in the illicit drug supply has impacted treatment for opioid use disorder. This webinar is specifically designed for North Carolina licensed physicians, physician assistants or nurse practitioners currently prescribing controlled substances. If you are licensed in a state other than North Carolina, please contact your Medical Board for assistance. None of the planners, speakers or joint providers have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

DEA* Understanding the Impacts of Stigma: Substance Use Disorder - Approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credits (TM)

** Webcast ** This presentation will discuss the impacts of stigma relating to Substance Use Disorder (SUD). *This session will fulfill one hour of the 8-hour DEA requirement. *This learning activity will fulfill one hour of the controlled substances CME requirement for the NCMB. This webinar is specifically designed for North Carolina licensed physicians, physician assistants or nurse practitioners currently prescribing controlled substances. If you are licensed in a state other than North Carolina, please contact your Medical Board for assistance. None of the planners, speakers or joint providers have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

DEA* Addiction and Mental Illness - Approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credits (TM)

** Webcast ** The presentation addresses epidemiology and causal relationships involved in co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorders. Recommendations are provided regarding clinical management and communicating effectively with patients experiencing these co-morbidities. *This session will fulfill one hour of the 8-hour DEA requirement. *This learning activity will fulfill one hour of the controlled substances CME requirement for the NCMB. This webinar is specifically designed for North Carolina licensed physicians, physician assistants or nurse practitioners currently prescribing controlled substances. If you are licensed in a state other than North Carolina, please contact your Medical Board for assistance. None of the planners, speakers or joint providers have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

DEA* The Impact of Stigma and Bias on Substance Use Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment - Approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credits (TM)

** Webcast ** This presentation will educate providers on common stigmas patients experience when seeking treatment for substance abuse. Providers will also learn about how systemic biases lead to disparate treatment outcomes and begin to discuss different ways providers can intervene to promote equitable treatment. *This session will fulfill one hour of the 8-hour DEA requirement. *This learning activity will fulfill one hour of the controlled substances CME requirement for the NCMB. This webinar is specifically designed for North Carolina licensed physicians, physician assistants or nurse practitioners currently prescribing controlled substances. If you are licensed in a state other than North Carolina, please contact your Medical Board for assistance. None of the planners, speakers or joint providers have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

DEA* Current State of MOUD Access - Approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credits (TM)

** Webcast ** This presentation will provide information on the recent federal changes to prescribing buprenorphine, access issues at the community pharmacy level and strategies for prescribing. *This session will fulfill one hour of the 8-hour DEA requirement. *This learning activity will fulfill one hour of the controlled substances CME requirement for the NCMB. This webinar is specifically designed for North Carolina licensed physicians, physician assistants or nurse practitioners currently prescribing controlled substances. If you are licensed in a state other than North Carolina, please contact your Medical Board for assistance. None of the planners, speakers or joint providers have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

Identifying Dangerous Personality Disorders in Clinical Settings & Understanding the Risks

** Webcast ** Each mental illness carries unique characteristics and risk factors, and understanding these signs and symptoms is necessary in order to accurately diagnose, triage, and treat clients with these disorders. Personality disorders are among the most severe, chronic, and impairing kinds of mental illness and can be among the most difficult to accurately diagnose and treat. Included on this list are borderline personality disorder (BPD), narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), and antisocial personality disorder (APSD). Understanding these specific Cluster B personality disorders is important because they’re the most commonly encountered, and also because of the disorder-specific personal and professional risks associated with treating these populations. In this 3 hour recorded training, participants will learn the signs and symptoms of these ‘dangerous personalities’, as well as the specific risks associated with each. Clinical best practices for treating each will be reviewed, as well as practical safeguards clinicians can implement to reduce their personal and professional risk when working with these populations.

Self-Study: Adapting Evidence-Based Practices for Under-Resourced Populations

** Self-Study ** It is important for providers to understand how to tailor care, programs and services to best meet the needs of their patient’s cultural, social, gender, and other demographic contexts. Communities and individuals benefit when they receive behavioral health services that are clinically proven effective, equitable, and culturally appropriate. This program reviews SAMSHA’s approved evidence-based practices, identifies models to determine when and how to adapt an evidence-based practice, and provides examples on how adaptation of these models has worked with under-resourced populations.

Self-Study: Overview of the Impacts of Long COVID on Behavioral Health

** Self-Study ** This reading will explore the impacts of Long COVID on Behavioral Health. An explanation of how Long COVID impacts behavioral health as well social influences that affect outcomes and treatment will be discussed. Recommendations for treatment are also reviewed.

Adolescent Health and NC Law

** Webcast ** The purpose of this webinar is to provide current information about NC Public Health Law as it pertains to issues such as consent and confidentiality for adolescent health care. Topics will include the types of health services for which a minor can consent, the confidentiality of a minor’s health information, mandatory reporting requirements for healthcare professionals to include legal responsibilities for reporting suspected adolescent abuse and more. (June 30th - annual review date)

Introduction to NC Public Health Law

** Webcast ** This webinar will provide an introduction to North Carolina Public Health Law. Key topics will include public health legal authority and explain “police power”, public health laws and resources, enforcement of public health laws, identify and explain the NC laws that give legal authority to public health officials. (June 30th - annual review date)

Perinatal Substance Use and Maternal Health

** Webcast ** This training will provide an overview of perinatal substance use, potential fetal and maternal impacts of substance use during pregnancy, and evidence-based tools for engagement in substance use treatment in the perinatal period. Participants will leave the session with a better understanding of how to approach and engage perinatal clients that are using substances.

Nursing as a Profession: Nurse Coach - * Coming Soon, Registration not open *

** Webcast ** Contemporary nursing is evolving to meet the demands of a rapidly changing healthcare environment. This session is intended to provide registered nurses with information about new and evolving roles within the nursing profession. In this recorded program, Nurses will learn more about this nursing specialty including what a typical day looks like in this nursing role, how to enter this specialty and find job postings using these skills, learn what additional skills, education, or certifications are needed to take on this new role. Lastly, the nurse will hear tips that this experienced nurse wish they had known about this specialty. Disclosures: Wake AHEC requires all speakers, planners, and joint providers to disclose any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies. There are no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies. 1.0 Nursing Contact Hour: Wake Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Nursing Education is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the North Carolina Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. (June 30th - annual review date)

Nursing as a Profession: School Nurse - * Coming Soon, Registration not open *

** Webcast ** Contemporary nursing is evolving to meet the demands of a rapidly changing healthcare environment. This session is intended to provide registered nurses with information about new and evolving roles within the nursing profession. In this recorded program, Nurses will learn more about this nursing specialty including what a typical day looks like in this nursing role, how to enter this specialty and find job postings using these skills, learn what additional skills, education, or certifications are needed to take on this new role. Lastly, the nurse will hear tips that this experienced nurse wish they had known about this specialty. Disclosures: Wake AHEC requires all speakers, planners, and joint providers to disclose any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies. There are no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies. 1.0 Nursing Contact Hour: Wake Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Nursing Education is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the North Carolina Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. (June 30th - annual review date)

Nursing as a Profession: Quality Nurse Specialist - * Coming Soon, Registration not open *

** Webcast ** Contemporary nursing is evolving to meet the demands of a rapidly changing healthcare environment. This session is intended to provide registered nurses with information about new and evolving roles within the nursing profession. In this recorded program, Nurses will learn more about this nursing specialty including what a typical day looks like in this nursing role, how to enter this specialty and find job postings using these skills, learn what additional skills, education, or certifications are needed to take on this new role. Lastly, the nurse will hear tips that this experienced nurse wish they had known about this specialty. Disclosures: Wake AHEC requires all speakers, planners, and joint providers to disclose any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies. There are no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies. 1.0 Nursing Contact Hour: Wake Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Nursing Education is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the North Carolina Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. (June 30th - annual review date)

Nursing as a Profession: Public Health Nurse - * Coming Soon, Registration not open *

** Webcast ** Contemporary nursing is evolving to meet the demands of a rapidly changing healthcare environment. This session is intended to provide registered nurses with information about new and evolving roles within the nursing profession. In this recorded program, Nurses will learn more about this nursing specialty including what a typical day looks like in this nursing role, how to enter this specialty and find job postings using these skills, learn what additional skills, education, or certifications are needed to take on this new role. Lastly, the nurse will hear tips that this experienced nurse wish they had known about this specialty. Disclosures: Wake AHEC requires all speakers, planners, and joint providers to disclose any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies. There are no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies. 1.0 Nursing Contact Hour: Wake Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Nursing Education is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the North Carolina Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. (June 30th - annual review date)

Nursing as a Profession: Inpatient Obstetric Nurse - * Coming Soon, Registration not open *

** Webcast ** Contemporary nursing is evolving to meet the demands of a rapidly changing healthcare environment. This session is intended to provide registered nurses with information about new and evolving roles within the nursing profession. In this recorded program, Nurses will learn more about this nursing specialty including what a typical day looks like in this nursing role, how to enter this specialty and find job postings using these skills, learn what additional skills, education, or certifications are needed to take on this new role. Lastly, the nurse will hear tips that this experienced nurse wish they had known about this specialty. Inpatient Obstetric Nursing is a specialty that provides direct nursing care to hospitalized pregnant women during the antepartum, intrapartum (labor), immediate postpartum and newborn stages. Disclosures: Wake AHEC requires all speakers, planners, and joint providers to disclose any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies. There are no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies. 1.0 Nursing Contact Hour: Wake Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Nursing Education is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the North Carolina Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. (June 30th - annual review date)
Wake AHEC Health Careers Program Listing